Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rich or Poor?

Rich and Poor?
we sometimes ask about ourselves "Who am I?" "Am I Rich? "Am I Poor?"
it's not about your money,how much car do you have,how big your house,
it's about your Spirit!
first we must see,every people who's success was start from poor guy,because the poor one have a Spirit to have a money,and a willingness of revenge!
maybe the poor guy is the most hurt people in the world,they don't have a life and they try and try to change their life to the most beautiful one whatever it takes.
and if we talk about the rich guy is about people who's spend their money at store or buy everything expensive things,but not all rich guy do this,i just talk about people who's cannot respect each other,respect about how hard to get money,how hard to get a job,how hard to have a plate of rice,
and if you've seen the rich people who's cannot respect each other,is the most Poor Guy in the world,
every people in the world is same,there is no rich people or poor people,we just came into this world to change nothing to everything,to change spirit into joyful life,to change arrogant into a humble one!
so what you think?
start small,think big,hard work,and share with each other! and if you do this,no matter how much your money,how big your house,how much your car,you are the Most Rich people in the World!

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