Sunday, October 7, 2012


in Physic Momentum was M = Mass x Velocity
and How we apply this formula to our world?
Every People around the World want to success in their way,but with this Formula we can success with different way,it's the Quickest way to make our Dreams come true.
First we need Mass.
Mass is about people,it's about who's can Believe us,Like us,and Trust with us,More people who can Believe,Like,and Trust with us,Success it's not Dream anymore,it will come to us soon.
Second we need Velocity
it's about how hard we try our best and how fast we can get through the Pain in making our Dreams,when you ignored by people just say to yourself "Next!" we don't need people who's ignore us,we just need people who can Success together with us!
So,what are you waiting for? the Future is for us,not for someone else! make your goals and do this formula and we'll Success together soon!

Choice is like a Dice

What do you think about Choice when someone asking you about it?
every people think that Choice is a simple opportunity when we should choose the good one whatever it takes,because no one people want to loose things
Every People definitely knows what is Dice,it's a simple cube with 6 side of point,the point starts from 1 until 6 right?
in every Games with Dice with it,the 6 one is the most powerful point,and what's the connection between Choice and Dice?
it's Simple,if we Choice the good one is like we throw the dice and we got the 6 point,but how if we got another point?
I said to myself "C'mon throw the Dice again until you got the 6 point"
and if you got the Six point,you'll win the game
So,in our Life whatever how hard is it,we must Try Try and Try! until you got the Most beautiful moment in your life
Whatever it takes just do your best until you got the final point in your life,be a Dice!