Friday, July 20, 2012

RAM Pro Class National Magic Competition 2012

On 24 June 2012 it was a Special Birthday to Me,Because at That day was Held the Biggest National Magic Competition and it was "RAM Pro Class National Magic Competition 2012" every Magician in every City in Indonesia was come to the Competition,the Judge was Rhomedal Aquino,Dui Montero,Rynku Viceroy,Rizuki,Limbad,Fajar and the others,Why that is my Special Birthday? because I won the 2nd Prize of Junior Category and The Most Best Costume Award,I was really Happy There :D

About Me

Hello Everybody! First,let me Introduce Myself,my Name is Indra Ferano,I'm 16 Y.o and if we talk about Hobby or Job,You must know that I'm Magician,it's a little shock but it's real,and that's why I created our theme is "Everything is Magic" but I will explain to you in another Post :D.